English translation of my reader post in The Journal of the Norwegian Medical Association, also published on Substack.
In some population groups, fewer young people got vaccinated against COVID-19 than in the rest of the population, but did those who abstained make a poor choice? No. Peer-reviewed longitudinal analyses of young people in England show significantly increased mortality in 10 out of 11 weeks after vaccination compared with the first week and at least doubled mortality in three.
The findings may seem to contradict Norwegian data showing a 30% lower mortality rate among young corona-vaccinated people compared to unvaccinated, and where the difference was as much as 58% when control variables were included. However, the figures say little about the vaccine effect since corona-related deaths were nearly zero in the relevant age group. What they do tell us, however, is that vaccinated and unvaccinated people initially have very different health profiles, known from England, which makes direct comparisons problematic. Furthermore, the figures show that including control variables can make results more, not less, unreliable, which is also known. The figures should, therefore, be thought-provoking when considering much of the research literature on corona vaccination.
If we study the Norwegian data in more detail, they show a relative increase in mortality among fully vaccinated young people of 13% from 2022 to 2023. For the oldest age group, where the fully vaccinated and unvaccinated populations were more stable and, therefore, more comparable in the two years, the increase was 41%. This is in line with English data that also show a marked relative increase in mortality among vaccinated people over time without any other explanation than the fatal adverse consequences of the corona vaccine.
Unvaccinated people, especially young unvaccinated people, have therefore made a good choice. A very good choice.
I know what you mean, Jarle....., but I would rephrase that. EVERYONE who refused the covid vaxxine made the right choice.
Takk for arbeidet du gjør. Jeg har nett fått nyss i en studie FHI har gjort hvor dem "beviser" lavere dødlighet i den vaksinerte gruppe over 18år. Jeg har ikke lest den skikkelig? Har du og hva tenker du?